Guard of Honor, the Hour of Presence, of the Sacred Heart is a little army rallied around
the Eucharistic Throne of Jesus, where hour after hour, faithful
sentinels replace one another in spirit, to offer to the Heart of
Jesus a perpetual homage of glory, love and reparation.
origin of the Guard of Honor may be traced back to the first watch
on Calvary, when our Blessed Lady, St. John and Mary Magdalen offered
to the transpierced Heart of Jesus the first homage of glory, love
and reparation.
OF MEMBERSHIP: In order to become a member of the Guard of
honor and to share in the
Masses and in the indulgences granted to the Archconfraternity it is
To be enrolled by the General Director of a Confraternity,
canonically erected, or by a Zelator, regularly authorized to
receive enrollments.
To be inscribed on a Dial of the Archconfraternity.
To make daily an hour of guard. Those who desire to be ranked
amongst the Guards of Honor of the Sacred Heart must choose an hour
during which, without
changing their ordinary occupations, they place themselves each
day, in spirit near the Tabernacle.
HOUR OF GUARD: There, by a simple interior act, they offer to
Jesus, their thoughts, words, actions and sufferings - above all,
their desire to console His adorable Heart by their love.
During this hour the Associate tries to think oftener of Our Lord,
to make, at least, one act of love and offer to Him some little
sacrifice. Nothing of what is prescribed is of obligation the
associates being free to follow their interior attraction in
sanctifying this blessed hour.
THREE GROUPS: Fidelity to the daily hour of guard is the
simple duty of those enlisted in the First Group of the Guard of
Honor. Associates enlisted in the Second Group offer
frequently in a spirit of loving reparation to the Eternal Father,
the Precious Blood of Jesus.
Third Group is made up of victims of the wounded Heart of Jesus,
whose generous aim is to render to this divine Heart love for
love, by the acceptance of trials, humiliations and little crosses
destined for them by Providence.
OF MERCY: There is a special Dial of the Archconfraternity on
which may be inscribed the initials of persons or families for whose
conversion any Associate may choose to make supplementary hours of
OF MEMBERSHIP: The Guard of Honor of the Sacred Heart is one
of the associations most enriched with indulgences. Besides
sharing in these indulgences and in the Masses offered each month
for Associates living and dead, the Members of the Guard of Honor
have the benefit of the union of prayer existing among millions of
souls who belong to the Archconfraternity of the Guard of Honor
throughout the world.
THEIR DUTIES: Zelators are authorized to enroll an indefinite
number of associates and every year, in the month of June, it is
customary for them to send to the Head Centre the names of the
Guards of Honor enrolled during the year. Zelators are
recommended to make themselves familiar with the organization and
working of the Archconfraternity, by an attentive perusal of the
happy we are," exclaimed Saint Margaret Mary, "and how
much indebted to this Divine Heart, which deigns to make use of us
to spread this devotion, since He reserves incomparable treasures
for those who devote themselves to His Sacred
Thomas Edmond, Bishop of Brooklyn