Sister Michele Marie
Hauser, V.H.M.
"One thing I ask of the Lord; this I
seek: to dwell in the house of the Lord
all the days of my life, that I may gaze on
the loveliness of the Lord and contemplate His
temple." Ps 27
On Sunday, March 12, 2006, Sr. Michele Marie Hauser,
V.H.M., was received to solemn perpetual vows as a
member of the Sisters of the Visitation. Sister
Michele Marie born in Kansas City, Missouri, is the
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Hauser of Carol Stream,
Illinois. She was educated at the school for the
blind in St. Louis, Missouri, and O'Hare High School in
Kansas City, Missouri. She earned a bachelor of
arts in business administration and a doctorate of
jurisprudence at the University of Missouri at Columbia. |
She is a member of the Texas Bar
Association, and prior to entering the monastery, she
worked for sixteen years as an attorney for the State of
Texas. She was also active in her parish
ministries program, RCIA, Respect Life Program, and
served as a coordinator and teacher for adult
education. In 1995 she was received as a
consecrated virgin by Most Reverend John McCarthy,
Bishop of Austin.
Most Reverend Oscar H. Lipscomb, D.D.,
Ph.D., presided at the Mass and profession ceremony,
which took place at 3:00 P.M., in the chapel at the
Visitation Monastery. Her parents and twin
brother, Edward, and his family were in
attendance. The Cecilian Chorale provided the
music, and a brief reception followed in the parlor of
the monastery.

Sister Michele Marie Hauser responds to the call to profession.

Sister Michele Marie Hauser's parents, her twin
brother and his wife traveled from Chicago for the Mass
of Profession.

Sister's brother, Eward Hauser, proclaims one
of the scripture readings during the

Archbishop Lipscomb addressed the homily to Sr.
Michele Marie, her family, the
community, and the entire
Church represented by those assisting at the Mass.

After changing from the white veil to the black, the
newly professed receives the
candle and crucifix from
Archbishop Lipscomb.
Photography by P. Kimbrough Jones.