A poem written by Paul Kelly 
(Sister M. Delourdes' nephew)


God has touched this place
With a Grace beyond compare.
It is in each room and corridor
It fills the very air.
It is carried not by angels,
Though, perhaps that's where it starts,
But it's carried, safely cherished,
Within your love-pure hearts.
Yet, it isn't trapped inside them,
No, it flows out, free of bounds,
Far beyond your simple habits,
Far beyond your convent grounds.
It has reached us when we're far away,
No matter where we are,
This miracle of love I've felt
So strongly from afar.
And now, I come to see, up close,
The source of all this love,
And each of you just humbly says,
"Not me. - It's God above!"
And there it is! I've found it!


The thing that makes it go,
The secret of this holy fire
That puts off such a glow.
"It isn't me!"  "It's God above."
"God's will be done, not mine!"
"Let go of earth, and all below,
If you wish to be divine!"
And you show us that it can be done,
And it's well worth all its cost,
For God returns a hundred fold,
The small things that you've lost,
The love that you inspire,
The love that you all give,
Shows us clearly all the reasons
Why God put us here to live.
And I thank you all so deeply,
And I thank you all so much,
For the love and help you've given
With your simple, prayerful touch.

God Bless,

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